Black Bears
The world’s most diverse species of bear
With short, curved claws, black bears are experts when it comes to climbing trees. Preferring to forage for berries and roots rather than hunt, these bears will roam for food and can consume 30,000 berries a day in a good year. They build up enough body fat over the summer months to allow them to sleep through winter in dens they dig or even in tree holes.
- IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (at relatively low risk of extinction)
- Type: Mammal
- Habitat: Forests across North America
- Diet: Omnivore – berries, leaves, fish
- Size: 1.5 to 1.8 metres tall
- Weight: 90 to 272 kilograms

Facts about our animals
Fun Facts about Black Bears
There are 16 subspecies of black bear.
Black bears come in a range of colours including blue-black, gray-black, brown, cinnamon, and even white.
They have flexible lips that help them to eat berries, insects, and roots.
Black bears can run at a top speed of 40 kilometres per hour.
They are proficient swimmers.
Black bears can smell food over a kilometre away.

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