Female whooping crane, 'Mera'


Celebrating Reverse the Red Day with a Pledge for Whooping Cranes

February 07, 2025 | 1 minute read

Today on Reverse the Red Day, we’re proud to share our pledge to reverse the red for the Endangered whooping crane.

Once reduced to just 21 individuals in the 1940s due to overhunting and habitat loss, this remarkable species has faced immense challenges. Since 1992, we’ve been dedicated to supporting whooping crane recovery by leading Canada’s only conservation breeding program for the species!

Our pledge today is a promise to strengthen our leadership in whooping crane conservation, by continuing to focus on increasing successful breeding efforts and advancing long-term recovery strategies, while working closely with partners on translocations and efforts to safeguard vital habitats. Together, we can help the whooping crane population soar once again and ensure a brighter future for this iconic bird.