Mountain Bongo cabin


There’s Something New in the African Rainforest Building!

January 17, 2023 | 1 minute read

Exciting news! Yesterday marked the reopening of the Gerald Cooper-Key Foundation Warden’s Post No 8 inside the African Rainforest Building. This newly redeveloped space is now dedicated to raising awareness and sharing stories about the mountain bongo and the work we are doing in collaboration with the Kenya Mountain Bongo Partnership to help recover this Critically Endangered species.

Found only in the alpine forests of Kenya, less than 60-80 individuals remain in the wild. Through a vibrant interpretive experience, this space highlights our deep commitment to collaboration with partners and local communities which is fundamental to success in community conservation! We are proud to have a dedicated space to celebrate this beautiful species and explore the different facets of this critical conservation program. Be sure to stop by during your next visit to check it out in person!

Mountain Bongo cabin

Bongo cabin in the African Rainforest building