Students will act as conservation scientists rescuing a penguin as they move through various stations learning about adaptations, habitats, prey and predators, and family care. As students learn about penguins, they will be guided to reflect on the question, “How does the Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo make a home for penguins?” to determine why zoos are important and how they can benefit our animals.
Grades: Kindergarten to grade 3
Length: 60 minutes
Availability: Mondays, December to February
Capacity: Up to 27 students
Cost: $525 (2 programs) $600 (3 programs)
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Curricular Connections:
Earth Systems:
- Demonstrate respect while interacting with environments.
- Respect a local environment in nature.
- Discuss the importance of protecting and respecting environments.
- Identify ways to protect and respect environments.
- Observe and imitate how animals can move.
- Examine the reasons why humans and other animals move.
Grade 1
Living Systems:
- Determine how a local environment meets the basic needs of plants and animals.
- Discuss the movement of local animals from place to place to meet their needs.
Earth Systems:
- Investigate animal behaviour throughout the seasons, including migration and hibernation.
- Identify personal and group actions that demonstrate responsibility and care for nature.
- Observe and describe the direction, pathway, and speed of objects or animals.
Grade 2
Living Systems:
- Discuss ways to respect plants and animals while interacting in various environments.
- Explain positive and negative impacts of human behaviour on plants and animals.
- Identify similarities between offspring and their parents.
Earth Systems:
- Discuss how various components of Earth interact to support life.
Grade 3
Living Systems:
- Classify animals in a food chain as carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores.
- Investigate how plants and animals respond to stimuli in their environments in order to survive.
- Reflect on and share actions that can be taken to protect plants and animals in local environments.
Earth Systems:
- Relate human activities to changes in Earth’s surface.
- Discuss the interconnectedness between human activities and responsibilities for maintaining Earth.
Cross-Curricular Connections
- Participate in group discussions (ELA).
- Demonstrate a variety of listening behaviours (ELA).
- Compose quantities to 10 (Math).
- Count within 10 (Math).
Grade 1:
- Contribute to discussions as a listener and speaker (ELA).
- Add and subtract within 20 (Math).
- Count within 100 (Math).
Grade 2:
- Contribute to discussions as a listener and speaker (ELA).
- Add and subtract numbers within 100 (Math).
- Count within 1000 (Math).
Grade 3:
- Use a variety of listening strategies to enhance interactions and learning (ELA).
- Add and subtract natural numbers (Math).
- Solve problems using addition and subtraction (Math).
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