Gorillas on the Line
Partnering to make a difference in the future

Gorillas on the Line
Answer the Call
Did you know that some cell phone parts use coltan, an ore which is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo where gorillas live? This mining contributes to habitat loss and the endangerment of gorillas.
When we reduce, reuse then recycle our electronic devices we lessen the demand for coltan and help protect gorillas in the wild.
Recycling old phones and small handheld electronics raises money to directly support gorilla conservation initiatives through Gorilla SAFE programs.

The More You Know
What’s Inside Your Smartphone?
Many cell phones and other electronic devices contain a mineral called tantalum, which comes from the ore coltan (columbite-tantalite). Tantalum is used to make tantalum capacitors, which are used in all sorts of electronic devices from phones to electric vehicle batteries. As you can imagine, with our society practically revolving around electronic devices, the demand for coltan is incredibly high.

What Can I Do?
Your Cell Phone Drive Starts Here
Collect old cell phones for recycling and help protect gorilla habitats in Africa. Here’s how:
COMMIT to joining us in our goal to help save gorillas and their home.
COLLECT as many phones and handheld electronics as you can (such as iPods, iPads, tablets and mp3 players, chargers and accessories) as part of our campaign from February 1 to April 30. We will also continue to accept electronics year round to protect gorilla habitats.
CONVERSE with your family and friends and encourage them to answer the call to recycle their devices too!

Contact Us
Pick Up or Drop Off?
Are you organizing a drive on behalf of a business, community or school?
Let Us Help!
To register as a group with a large donation, contact our Coordinator at:
We can coordinate with your group throughout your campaign and help ensure a community pick up location if needed. Participating schools should also register to receive a certificate of recognition!