Corn snake


Remembering ‘Cornelius’

April 10, 2023 | 1 minute read

We’re saddened to share the recent unexpected passing of beloved program animal ‘Cornelius’ the corn snake on March 24th, 2023.

The life expectancy for wild corn snakes is six to eight years and 10 to 15 years in human care. At over nine years of age, Cornelius was considered a geriatric reptile. Over the past couple of years, he had some gastrointestinal issues which were medically managed. His necropsy revealed chronic degenerative kidney disease and chronic mild gastrointestinal changes.

Cornelius arrived here at the zoo in 2018 and was an all-star animal ambassador who greatly impacted wildlife education! As one of a few animal residents capable of being handled, he helped our Conservation Education team educate thousands of students about the proper care and handling of snakes, along with the valuable role they play in the natural world. He was one of a kind and will be missed by all.

Corn snake

Corn snake ‘Cornelius’