There are some new beaks in town! We are now home to four Dalmatian pelicans!
If you’re wondering why these pelicans aren’t sporting any spots, it’s because their name comes from the Dalmatia Coast of Croatia, where this species once thrived. Sadly, Dalmatian pelicans are now listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List, having disappeared from their native region.
Join us in welcoming these four magnificent females, named after bodies of water in their native range: ‘Kerkini’ (brown leg tag), ‘Adria’ (black leg tag), ‘Tisza’ (green leg tag), and ‘Volga’ (yellow leg tag).
These impressive birds are the largest of the pelican family, boasting wingspans of up to 11 feet! You can find these new feathered friends in the marsh in Exploration Asia!