African Pygmy Geese
A case of false advertising
Despite the name and its stubby, goose-like bill, this bird is a species of duck and can be identified as such due to its small size. They are known as perching ducks because of their habit of nesting in trees. African pygmy geese are known for being partially nomadic or migratory, as they will make movements to flooded areas in search of water.
- IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (at relatively low risk of extinction)
- Type: Bird
- Habitat: Swamps, marshes, flooded savannahs and slow-moving rivers across sub-Saharan Africa, including Madagascar
- Diet: Omnivore – water lily seeds, aquatic plants, and aquatic invertebrates
- Size: 30 centimetres long
- Weight: 284 grams

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Fun Facts about African Pygmy Geese
African pygmy geese are the smallest of all species of pygmy geese.
This species is sexually dimorphic, with males being more vibrant in colour than females.
They are highly dependent on seeds for food.
This species commonly nests in trees but also may nest on the ground or in termite mounds.
When building a nest, nesting pairs will use leaves, grasses, and even feathers.
African pygmy geese are known as dabbling ducks.

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