Powder Puff Tree
Pom poms in bloom
Also known as a pom pom tree, this evergreen is known for producing spherical heads of many small flowers with prominent stamens. Before blooming its red, white, or pink stamens, the unopened flowers grow in clusters that look like raspberries. This member of the legume family cares for the plants around it – it has a symbiotic relationship with soil bacteria and adds atmospheric nitrogen to the soil so that nearby plants to access nutrients.
- Latin Name: Calliandra haematocephala
- IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (at relatively low risk of extinction)
- Type: Deciduous tree or shrub
- Produces: Flowers
- Habitat: Bolivia
- USDA Climate Zone: 9 – 11
- Size: Up to 3 metres tall and 2 metres wide

facts about our plants
Fun Facts about Powder Puff Trees
Its seed pods can be between six and 11 centimetres long.
The flowers may bloom throughout the year, but peak in summer.
Their oblong leaves fold up at night.
This plant has been used medicinally to treat wounds and fever.
Its name comes from the Greek words kallos, meaning beauty and andros, meaning stamen.
The flowers of a cannonball tree are yellow or red on the outside and crimson or lilac on the inside.

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